Ceeta (Clan)

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A Guide to Ceeta Grove By Sollu Morvin

Ceeta Grove is an isolated forest land home to the clan of Wood Elves of the same name. It is a mysterious land of many varieties of herb and flower. More variety of small plant life exists in this forest than in all other lands of Everwind Country combined. It is bordered on the north by the Swifthoof Steppes, the northwest by the Induin Forest, on the west by Colaurum, on the south by the Haen'mor Mountains and on the east by Doromir. The Ceeta Clan - Known as the Healers, the Ceeta Clan has a long and practiced history of herbalism and medicinal profession. They are a fairly isolated clan, residing in the forest named for them, Ceeta Grove. They are led by Lady Elda Breezesong, who is said to have the most complete and broad knowledge of botany and herbalism.