Everwind Country

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General Information

Everwind Country is a richly diverse region on the continent Middum. It is home to 25 different territories, most of which are controlled by a singular nation or kingdom. On the west it touches the Vyrum Sea. It is bordered on the north by the Shadow Wood and the Frostlands, on the east by the Blaze Lands and on the south by the Forgotten Lands.

The region is rich with many different environments, leading to a broad tapestry of trade and culture. The largest population is the Human presence. There are mountains in the north, east, south and central areas, and plains between those. Nestled between the mountains in the northeast region is a large basin of highlands and hills. To the northwest and southwest, forests are the predominant terrain. In the southeast, a small basin of wetlands is surround by the Stein'jar Mountains to the north and to the west, and large, verdant forests to the south and east. The south-central plains are the largest, and are often called the Golden Plains.

Everwind Country is the first region to be released in the Mithnir role-play. It is the only place that player characters can start for the time being, and as such, only "High" races present here can be used by players.

Nations and Kingdoms

Everwind Country is home to 26 separate states or nations. Below are listed all of these kingdoms. It only has "High" racial nations.

Human Kingdoms
Dwarven Holds
Dark Elven Houses
Wood Elven Clans
Lepirian Tribes
Halfling Townships
High Elves City-state

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