Induin (Clan)

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A Guide to the Induin Forest By Sollu Morvin

This region is a densely forested place, that is controlled by the Induin Wood Elves. There is little to none of this territory that is not woodlands. It is technically the Western-most territory in Everwind Country. It is borders on the North by Kaleswood, on the West by the Shadow Wood, on the Southwest by the Vyrum Sea, by Colaurum on the South, Ceeta Grove on the Southeast and the Swifthoof Steppes on the East.The Induin Clan - The best archers in Everwind Country. They have a loose alliance with the Human kingdom of Kaleswood. They have their disputes with the neighboring Ceeta Clan over differences in social and foreign policy. They are led by Lord Feldat Willowheart, who is said to be wise beyond years, and knowledgeable of the Shadow Wood.