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General Information

Language is the vessel of communication between the various lifeforms in the Mithnir Chronicles. Many different languages are spoken by "High" Races and "Low" Races, as well as Immortal Races. The languages of the various races are curious, some based upon older, more unified tongues, while others are totally unique from anything else. While it is theoretically possible for any sentient being to learn any language, many are far too complex or perhaps even arcane to be learned in a usual lifetime.

Many languages are considered commonplace, spoken by many different peoples. These languages are responsible for the interaction between varying nations and peoples. Some languages, however, are far more obscure, less prevalent among those who are not native to the tongue. Still others are considered dead languages, so obscure or lost to time that they are virtually non-existant among modern societies.

List of Languages

Many languages are descended from more ancient tongues, and as such, some are very similar. Below is a list of all languages, marked as 'dead' if the term applies, and branched off into their descended languages.

  • Ash'mi'Thoth - The language of the Gods; is unspeakable by any other being
    • Caeloth (Dead) - Spoken by ancients and certain divines
  • Midd - Spoken by most Humans in the western lands of Middum, the Karnamen. Also the language of most Halflings.
  • Haelish - The dominant language of northern Humans in Middum, the Haelmen.
  • Asteran - The language of the Astermen Humans in Middum.
  • Dwarvish - The language of the Dwarves
  • Old Elvish (Dead) - The language of the ancient Proto Elves
    • Elvish - Spoken by almost every type of elf
      • Sylvan - Unique form of Elvish spoken by Wood Elves
      • Drow - Unique form of Elvish spoken by Dark Elves
    • Deepspeak - Descended form of Old Elvish spoken by Sea Elves
  • Lepiri - The language of the Lepirians
  • Orcish - Spoken by Orcs
  • Gobble-speak - Spoken by Goblins
  • Furrak - Spoken by both Gnolls and Kobolds when it suits them
    • Gnolla - Unique form of Furrak spoken by Gnolls
    • Koboldi - Unique form of Furrak spoken by Kobolds
  • Skink - Spoken by Lizardmen and Skinks