Leuri Soana

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Leuri Soana



?? / Alive




The Strongclaw Tribe


The Strongclaw Highlands

General Info

Leuri Soana (Lee-urr-ee So-ah-nuh) is an Ironhorn Lepirian, raised by a tribe of Strongclaw Lepirians in the Strongclaw Highlands. She is a skilled warrior, hunter and forager, blending her Ironhorn genetics with her Strongclaw upbringing to be an agile, deadly combatant.


Leuri was born in Doromir to Breezeborn parents. As is the norm with Breezeborn, Leuri had no tribe name. When Leuri was young, her family was ambushed by a roving band of Gnolls on the border of the Swifthoof Steppes and the Strongclaw Highlands. As the young girl fled, the Gnolls gave chase. Scrambling into the hills, she found herself protected by a band of Strongclaw Lepirians who slew the Gnolls and ushered the girl to safety.

For the majority of her life, Leuri was raised by the Strongclaw as one of their own. They gave her the family name Soana, which in Lepiri means "Other Horn," as she was Strongclaw by upbringing, but Ironhorn by birth. Eventually Leuri became Breezeborn like her parents, setting out as a marauding Gnoll hunter.