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"High" Race/Human

Everwind Country

The Forgotten Lands

The Shadow Wood

The Frostlands
Average Height

6' / 1.83m (Male)

5'5" / 1.65m (Female)
Average Weight

175lbs / 79.4kg (Male)

125lbs / 56.7kg (Female)
Dietary Type Omnivorous
Lifespan ~90 years

Old Speak


General Information

Middummen are the Humans who come from the continent of Middum. Middummen typically have medium complexions, with skin tones ranging from fair or pale to tan or toned. Their hair comes in colors from black, to brown, to blonde, and their eye colors can be brown, blue, green, black and yellow. They are average sized, and have a pretty even spread of abilities, archetypes and affinities.


Middummen exist on just about any source of food they can get their hands on. They have been known to practice animal husbandry and farming, as well as hunting and gathering. There are several foods that other races enjoy, that Middummen find to be repulsive. For example, while bugs are considered a delicacy among the Lepirians, nearly all Middummen refuse to eat such things.


There is a marked hatred between their kind and many of the "Low" Races, such as Orcs, Goblins and Trolls. They are not fond of Gnolls or Kobolds, but there's not much interaction with those races so much as others.

Interspecies Relations

Middummen enjoy good relations with most other "High" races, and form alliances based both on racial distinctions, and what benefits the accompanying party will provide. Middummen kingdoms in Everwind Country enjoy specifically good relations with the High Elven city-state of Rothmanir.

Magical Affinities

Humans have one of the widest affinities for magic of any mortal race, second only to certain races of Elves. The general youth of the race and the overall generality of their capabilities makes them excellent candidates for study in the magical arts, and this is certainly true of Middummen.

The Kingdoms of Everwind

There are seven Human Kingdoms in Everwind Country, each with a different culture and government.

A naval-centered kingdom located in the northwestern part of Everwind Country. Many believe that it is not native to the region, and that it was founded by Human sailors from overseas.

A powerful kingdom that sits in the center of the region, controlling most of the trade that passes through the region.

A northwestern kingdom known for having the best horses and cavalry on Middum. Its lands also house a Halfling township.

One of the two kingdoms that rose from the ashes of Northwind, it sits in the highlands in the northeastern part of the region.

A large, sprawling plains kingdom that sits in the southwestern part of the region, known for its brewing and fishing. Its lands also house a Halfling township.

One of the two kingdoms that rose from the ashes of Northwind, it is located at the foot of a mountain range in the northern part of the region.

A wetland kingdom known for the value placed on information and education. It sits in the southeastern reaches of the region, and its lands house a Halfling township.