Mwyn'dor (Hold)

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Mwyn'dor Hold
Everwind Country
Homeland Mwyn'dor Mountains
Founded ???
Founder ???
Current Leader Agran Hammerhand
Capital Hammerstrike Hold
Main Species Dwarf

General Information

The Mwyn'dor dwarves make their home in the mountains of the same name. These dwarves are renowned for their metalworks, armor-smithing and weapon-crafting. They have a strong affinity for mining, and have extensive mining tunnels under their mountains. Some of these tunnels lead into the Frostlands. These dwarves have a strong distrust for humans who wander into their mountains, due to strained relations with the human kingdom of Silveria.

Beyond the initial distrust, Mwyn'dor dwarves are stoic, serious folk. They enjoy a good drink and a laugh as much as any other dwarves, but they are far less frivolous than some other holds. They will welcome weary travelers, although warily.


Agran Hammerhand sits on the throne as the High King of the Mwyn'dor hold. As High King, he holds absolute control and direction over the hold, but heeds the advice of his Circle of Council. The next High King would be the eldest member of the Circle of Council. As such, any death of a non-natural type to afflict the king, puts the eldest member of the council under deep, scrutinizing investigation.

International Relations

The Mwyn'dor dwarves have a strong distrust for humans that venture into their mountains, and relations are strained with the human kingdom of Silveria after a territory dispute.

Zones of Control

The Mwyn'dor dwarves control the Mwyn'dor Mountains.