Wood Elf

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Wood Elf
"High" Race

Everwind Country

The Shadow Wood

The Forgotten Lands
Average Height

5'7" / 1.70m (Male)

5'1" / 1.55m (Female)
Average Weight

150lbs / 68.4kg (Male)

110lbs / 49.9kg (Female)
Dietary Type Omnivorous
Lifespan ~800 years



General Information

Wood Elves, or Sylvans as some call them, are the most elusive type of Elf, spending most of their lives in the forest where they were born. They value freedom and nature, believing that they must protect both. Unlike other species of Elf, Wood Elven culture differs greatly from clan to clan. The Wood Elves are one of the oldest and most impressionable races when it comes to their surroundings, each clan taking shape in response to their lands. Wood Elves stand a little shorter than the average Human, roughly 5-and-a-half foot. They are a proud, evasive people, who live in harmony with nature. Like their Dark Elven cousins, they have sharper, angled features, which complement their darker complexion, with tanned skin shades, despite the cover of the trees. Their irises have been known to be shades of brown, gold, green and black, as well. Their hair is always in natural colors, ranging from browns to shades of blondes. All Wood Elves have a deep reverence for nature. They have an affinity toward archery, and are renowned for their marksmanship. In the forest they inhabit, they act as stalwart defenders to all that enter seeking to do harm. Though most are not allied with other nations, they still protect the realm from encroaching threats.


Wood Elves eat many different foods, from the animals that they hunt, to the fungus and fruits that grow naturally in their woodland homes. They have been known to fish their streams, and even venture out to the plains nearby to kill larger game. They use every part of the creature, harboring a deep respect for nature and all of its wild creatures.

Interspecies Relations

Though there are examples such as the Induin Clan's alliance with Kaleswood, the Wood Elves generally keep to themselves and usually harbor no ill-will between the clans. They are considered an elusive, almost xenophobic people.

Magical Affinities

Wood Elves have a latent ability to commune with nature, and as such, they are adept at natural magics and energies of the spirit. Many are healers and medicine men, while some take more of a leadership role, communing with the spirits of nature to guide their clan.

The Clans of Everwind Country

The Wood Elven clans of Everwind Country are ruled by, depending on their clan, a lord, a chieftain, or an elder. Their right to rule varies from clan to clan. They follow their leader’s direction, yielding to wisdom and counsel, but value individual intelligence, experience and freedom.

  • The Ceeta Clan

Known as the Healers, the Ceeta Clan has a long and practiced history of herbalism and medicinal profession. They are a fairly isolated clan, residing in the forest named for them, Ceeta Grove. They are led by Lady Elda Breezesong, who is said to have the most complete and broad knowledge of botany and herbalism in the entire region of Everwind Country.

  • The Akishish Clan

Known as the Spirit Walkers, the Akishish Clan is a very isolationist clan that lives peacefully in the Akishish Forest. They are a peaceful kind, and the most in-tune with nature of the four clans. They zealously guard the forest, and are rumored to hold The Forgotten Lands at bay. They are led by Elder Liera Mossbloom, who is said to have an unprecedented connection to the forest spirits.

  • The Induin Clan

The best archers in Everwind Country. They have a loose alliance with the Human kingdom of Kaleswood. They have their disputes with the neighboring Ceeta Clan over differences in social and foreign policy. They are led by Lord Feldat Willowheart, who is said to be wise beyond years, and knowledgeable of the Shadow Wood.

  • The Wakiun Grove Clan

A savage bunch, the Wakiun Clan resides in a section of Riftwood, and is locked in a bitter campaign to attack their neighboring Dark Elven cousins. They have a belief in combat prowess and bravery, and place high value on the hunt. They are led by Chieftain Avun Bloodarrow, who is a peerless hunter in the Wakiun, victor of many challenges of dominance.


Like most all Elves, it is widely believed that they are descended from a form of Proto Elf. It is believed that the Wood Elves left their kind thousands of years ago, moving into the woods and slowly changing, adapting to their new homes. The Wood Elves have their own beliefs on their origins, claiming that they originate from nature, denying any connection to the other members of Elf kind.