Mwyn'dor Mountains

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Mwyn'dor Mountains
Everwind Country
Political Control Mwyn'dor Dwarves
Capital Hammerstrike Hold
Main Demographic Dwarf

General Information

A mountainous region, home to the Mwyn'dor dwarves. It's tall, frosty peaks are known for their extreme winds and frigid cold. It is the northern-most territory in Everwind Country. It is bordered by the Frostlands on the north and east, the Shadow Wood on the west, Kaleswood and the Swifthoof Steppes on the southwest, and Silveria on the south. It is home to some of the highest peaks in Everwind Country, alongside the Ru'tul Mountains.

Notable Locations

The Mwyn'dor Mountains are home to many curious locations, but it is not for the ill-seasoned adventurer to explore. It holds danger under its beautiful mountain peaks.


  • Hammerstrike Hold - The capital hold of the Mwyn'dor dwarves. It is a massive dwarven city built into the mountains and cliffs, with a massive forge at its center. Within, many long, winding mining tunnels can be entered.


  • Fort Braglok - This remote fortress was once a post of the ancient human kingdom of Northwind. It has since been captured from Silveria by the Mwyn'dor dwarves during the Mwyn'dor Conflict.
  • Fort Smale - The remains of a once great fortification of Silveria. It was destroyed and captured during the Mwyn'dor Conflict. It has since remained broken and worthless, and a band of gnolls has settled there.
  • Steelhead Hold - A robust dwarven fortress, built into the top of a short mountain. It champions the mountain road running from east to west across the mountain range.


  • Bonebreak Depths - A known troll dwelling. One of the largest in Everwind Country.
  • East Frostcap Tunnels - A system of winding, labyrinthian tunnels that lead under the Frostlands, but not into them. They connect to the western counterpart, of the same name.
  • Eglorim Mine - The chief iron mine of the Mwyn'dor Dwarves. It is still active currently, and is highly productive. Far enough back it leads into the Shadow Wood.
  • Therrum - A deep ice cavern that is home to a group of trolls. It used to be a tunnel into the Frostlands, but it collapsed.
  • West Frostcap Tunnels - A system of winding, labyrinthian tunnels that lead under the Frostlands, but not into them. They connect to the eastern counterpart, of the same name.


  • Bjeil Hot Springs - Renowned hot springs that feed the Eastrun Current, eventually cooling as they drain into the river. A common destination of travelers.
  • Eingurard - The tallest peak in the Mwyn'dor Mountains. The entire mountain is riddled with caves and tunnels that hold both horrors and secrets. It is rumored that an ancient race of humans dwells, hidden inside the mountain for millenia.
  • Mount Fermis - A tall mountain known for the rich silver and iron deposits underneath it. It was once a part of Silveria, but has since become territory of the Mwyn'dor dwarves.
  • Nileg Point - A tall peak that was supposedly once a dragon roost. It has since become a lookout post of the Mwyn'dor Dwarves, allowing them to watch the mountains at the edge of the western Frostlands.
  • Westford Spring - A natural mountain spring that feeds the Westford River.